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Life Update - April 2024: May 2024

Alright hello there everyone it's been a little while since I've been able to make an update with some things. Now normally I would be making this post on the main part of my website, however, I can't seem to log in and I can't really fix it unless I'm using my desktop.

Now about using my desktop. I miss using it. I mean I do use it daily but I can't use it unless it has Internet. Nowadays everything requires you to use an internet connection, So atm I can't use it because my father (...)

Hello there

Well hello there. This is a place where i will be sharing my art and all the works that i have done and will continue to do. I will be sharing my works mainly here, but also on my main site usually linked back here with more info. I do post and share my works on other social places too. I'm still editing both this site and my main site. My main site will more so be like a resume V card maybe, with a blog, and this is a place with all my works and news on them. I will be trying to find (...)
