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Life Update - April 2024: May 2024

Alright hello there everyone it's been a little while since I've been able to make an update with some things. Now normally I would be making this post on the main part of my website, however, I can't seem to log in and I can't really fix it unless I'm using my desktop.

Now about using my desktop. I miss using it. I mean I do use it daily but I can't use it unless it has Internet. Nowadays everything requires you to use an internet connection, So atm I can't use it because my father refuses to pay the bill. He wants me to pay the whole bill that's only linked to his account and it's about a $500 bill each month. I told him months ago to agree to pay some of it as long as my name is on the bill/account. I'm not paying someone else's bill every month.

Currently, I'm without internet at the house and to put a cherry on top of that, I don't have money right now to pay my phone bill so it's off as well with no unlimited data to use. I'm currently sitting at a Starbucks listening to Disney music writing this.

That's pretty much stuff, to sum up what's been going on with my personal life in a way. In other parts of my life well...



April was kinda fast but also slow. It was a pretty quick build-up to 420 I think. That was well spent. I also ended up buying a Bike to get around town a bit easier since I've been having to walk all around cause my Jeep's battery is dead. It's gonna cost me $350 for a new one. I can't really afford that.

I'm trying to make money all that I can not just with my current job. Speaking of that place, my boss was in the hospital for two weeks. She's gonna be out for a while and work is becoming so stressful. People are leaving and no one really steps up to help.

I hate that I'm doing so much at my place of work, and at my home life to make sure things get done or whatever. I wish I could just be on my own finally doing my art, taking care of my kitties, and being joyful and happy!



Well now we are at the start of May and I'm over worked, underpaid and no head pats! >.< But I'm still pushing. I guess..

Still no internet, no money, and hungry. I'm gonna go find some change and get something to eat.


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